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  • Crafting Memories with EUGY this Valentine's Day

    Valentine's Day is not just about chocolates and roses; it's about celebrating the love and togetherness that make every day special. EUGY models could be a great way to get started! From the charming T-Rex to the romantic Mandarin Duck, EUGY offers a range of models perfect for a wild and wonderful bonding experience. Choose Your Valentine Mascot Mandarin Duck "Our love is like a Mandarin Duck, unique and beautiful." In Asian culture, these ducks represent love and fidelity, a wonderful model for partners who admire cultural symbolism. Tortoise "Let's take it slow and steady, building our love one piece at a time!" The Tortoise EUGY is a symbol of enduring love, perfect for couples who appreciate the value of patience and persistence in their relationship. Hedgehog "Let’s stick together like hedgehogs in a cuddle!" Cute and quirky, the Hedgehog EUGY is for those who find joy in the little things in life. Kākāpo "Our love is rare and unique, just like a Kākāpo." This rare bird represents the uniqueness of your bond, perfect for couples who cherish their individuality. Penguin "Waddle, you be my Valentine?" Penguins are known for their lifelong bonds, making this model a cute representation of companionship and fidelity. Bowhead Whale "Whale you be mine? Together, we make a splash!" A testament to the depth and magnitude of your feelings, the Bowhead Whale is ideal for those deep conversations while crafting T-Rex "I love you this much!" (Tiny arms included) For those with a sense of humour, the T-Rex brings laughter and joy to your crafting session. Unicorn Sky "You're just like a unicorn - magical and one of a kind." For the dreamers and the romantics, the Unicorn Sky model adds a touch of fantasy to your Valentine's Day. Rhino "Let’s charge into our future together, strong and unstoppable!" Symbolising strength and resilience, the Rhino is for couples who face life's challenges head-on. Cat Tuxedo "Purr-fectly suited for each other!" For cat lovers, this model brings a playful and loving energy to your crafting table. A Toast to Togetherness As you piece together your chosen EUGY models, remember that each piece represents the strength and flexibility of your relationship. Laugh at the silly moments, cherish the teamwork, and revel in the joy of creating something beautiful together. Seal it with a Punny Valentine To make your crafting session even more memorable, sprinkle in some Valentine-themed puns. Imagine saying, "You're 'turtley' awesome!" as you complete the Tortoise, or "Our love 'whaley' knows no bounds" with the Bowhead Whale. It's these little moments of humour and love that make Valentine's Day truly special. A Valentine's Day to Remember This Valentine's Day, choose to do something unique. Choose to build, laugh, and love with EUGY models. It's not just about the models you create; it's about the memories you build and the love you celebrate. Happy crafting and happy Valentine's Day!

  • Download EUGY's Free Wallpapers Now!

    Our designers went all out, adding stunning backgrounds to our latest EUGY puzzle cards. Now, enjoy them as free wallpapers for your devices. Elevate your screens EUGY-style! To download, click on the images below. Desktop / Laptop wallpaper Mobile wallpapers Enjoy! 😁

  • A Glimpse into Dunedin Wildlife Hospital

    The Dunedin Wildlife Hospital cares for New Zealand's most unique and endangered creatures, not least of which is the quirky and very rare kākāpō. Indeed, these nocturnal night parrots were one of the inspirations to open the hospital. Dr. Lisa Argilla, the Hospital Director, has deep experience caring for kākāpō chicks. Her involvement in safe-haven breeding islands and hand-rearing these precious birds were pivotal in shaping the hospital's mission. With a legacy now spanning generations, the hospital reached a significant milestone in 2022 by hand-rearing the grand chick of one of Dr. Argilla's original charges. Tiny and fragile, kākāpō chicks as light as 27 grams have found a lifeline at the Dunedin Wildlife Hospital. Treating a remarkable 85 kākāpō over the past five years, the team at the hospital have now cared for around 35% of the population. Previously, ill or injured kākāpō had to be transported to the North Island for treatment, a journey that risked their chances of survival. Now, swift intervention is possible, improving the odds of recovery. While all kākāpō now live in predator-free areas, they still face the occasional injury and disease threats, like cloacitis and aspergillosis, a fungal infection that causes respiratory illness. The hospital's proactive engagement in managing this disease showcases its commitment to preserving these unique avian treasures. Collaboration with partners like AgResearch has enabled the hospital to utilise cutting-edge CT scanners for efficient diagnosis and treatment, significantly enhancing outcomes. Like all their patients, the hospital strives to be as swift and hands-off with kākāpō as possible. For aspergillosis checks, the team can admit, health check, scan and clear healthy chicks within days, returning them to their nests to be wild-raised. Hand-rearing kākāpō chicks is a full-on effort. The Hospital team carefully separates the vulnerable young chicks from the rest of the patients, with dedicated staff and equipment used exclusively in the kākāpō ward. Like other babies, round-the-clock care is required, including feedings every two hours for the tiniest chicks. The driving force behind these efforts is a deep love for New Zealand's native species. The hospital's contribution extends beyond veterinary care; it's about educating communities and the veterinary field about native wildlife and the challenges these species face. Passionate about engaging people in conservation, the hospital believes collective action can improve outcomes for our native species. The Wildlife Hospital is a small team with a big impact, able to return more than 80% of their patients back to the wild where they belong. However, as a registered charity, sustaining financial support remains an ongoing challenge. To help carry out its crucial work, Dodoland has pledged to contribute a portion of its proceeds from its new Kākāpō EUGY model towards supporting the Wildlife Hospital's work. This new partnership is part of the EUGY Giving Back program, which aims to support wildlife conservation and community non-profits. Through this program, Dodoland provides ongoing support to its dedicated partners by connecting them with an EUGY model that will serve as a champion for their cause. To learn more about our Giving Back partners and their dedicated EUGYs, click here.

  • Discovering Matariki: A Celestial Adventure Awaits!

    In Aotearoa (New Zealand), the Matariki star cluster rising early in the morning signifies the start of a new year for Māori. This event occurs mid-winter in the Southern hemisphere and symbolises the beginning of a new cycle. Historically, Matariki has been intertwined with harvesting and hunting, with clear stars indicating an abundant season. Matariki is a time when people, whānau (family), and communities gather to reflect on the year that has passed, celebrate the present, and plan for the following year. People like celebrating Matariki by getting together with their families to share kai (food), planting trees or preparing their vegetable garden for new planting, stargazing for Matariki and reflecting on their connection to te taiao, our natural environment. Amazingly, we celebrate Matariki and World Orca Day on July 14th this year. World Orca Day is dedicated to protecting orcas and their habitats. Similarly, each of the nine stars in the Matariki cluster is linked to well-being and the environment. As we honour the ascension of the Matariki and celebrate World Orca Day, let's take some time to reflect on how we're connected to and interact with the environment. This is a significant opportunity to consider how we can contribute to preserving our natural world for future generations and Orca. Let's draw inspiration from these celebrations to work towards a more sustainable future. A Celestial Adventure Awaits Stargazing opens the doors to creativity and imagination, allowing families, especially children, to explore the myths and legends associated with celestial bodies. Matariki provides a unique opportunity to step outside our everyday routines and immerse ourselves in the breathtaking beauty of the night sky. So, if you're up for a fun backyard adventure with family, why not plan an experience to witness the magic of Matariki? The best time to view Matariki is in the early morning, just before dawn. So make sure to set your alarm, pack some snacks and hot cocoa, and bring warm blankets for a cosy experience. How to find Marariki To locate Matariki, look towards the northeast horizon just before dawn, particularly around 5:30-6:30 am. You can use other well-known constellations as reference points to help you locate Matariki. Te Pae o Tautoru (the three stars of Orion's belt): Orion's Belt is one of the most recognisable constellations in the night sky. Look for three bright stars lined up in a row. These stars represent the mythical warrior Tautoru in Māori tradition. Imagine drawing a line through these stars and continuing that line towards the horizon. Puanga (Rigel in Orion): As you extend the line from Tautoru, you'll come across a brilliant star known as Rigel. In Māori culture, this star is called Puanga. It is the brightest star in the constellation of Orion and serves as a guide to finding Matariki. Puanga rises in the northeastern sky during the winter months, and its position helps determine when Matariki will become visible. Taumata-kuku (the right red giant star Aldebaran): Continuing from Puanga, follow the same line towards the horizon, but this time in the opposite direction. You'll eventually come across a reddish star called Aldebaran, which represents Taumata-kuku. This star is part of the Taurus constellation. Although Aldebaran is not directly related to Matariki, it can serve as an additional point of reference in your stargazing adventure. Finding Matariki: Now that you've located Tautoru (Orion's Belt), Puanga (Rigel), and Taumata-kuku (Aldebaran), it's time to find Matariki itself. Move your gaze upwards from Aldebaran, and you'll notice a cluster of stars that form a distinctive pattern. These are the stars of Matariki! Look for a group of seven bright stars. Each star represents a different Māori ancestor and has its own significance.

  • Oceans Alive: Get Your Free Orca EUGY Wallpapers Now!

    Who doesn't love orcas? These majestic creatures are truly amazing, and we can't help but be captivated by their intelligence, social skills, and stunning beauty. That's why we're thrilled to offer you a FREE Orca-inspired desktop and mobile wallpaper that will bring a piece of their magnificence into your daily life. Download buttons are available below for your convenience. By having this wallpaper on your devices, you can be reminded of the importance of preserving their habitats and supporting conservation efforts. Enjoy! Desktop Wallpaper Mobile Wallpaper (version 1) Mobile Wallpaper (version 2)

  • School Holiday Fun: Create an Orca Diorama with Your Kids!

    Perfect for celebrating World Orca Month! Welcome, EUGY explorers, to the fascinating world of orcas! Are you ready to unleash your creativity and embark on an exciting adventure to create an Orca diorama? In this guide, we will provide helpful instructions and inspiration to craft a captivating scene showcasing these magnificent creatures' majestic beauty. So, let's dive in! Step 1: Research Orca Habitats: To make your diorama more realistic, it's important to learn about the diverse habitats where orcas reside. Explore books, documentaries, or reliable websites to discover fascinating facts about their natural environments. Look for information about different types of water bodies, such as oceans, seas, or fjords, where orcas can be found. Take note of the specific features and elements unique to each habitat, as this will inspire your diorama creation. Step 2: Gather Your Materials: Recycle and reuse an old cardboard delivery box or a shoebox: This will be the base for your diorama. Coloured paper, paints, and markers: Use these to bring your scene to life with vibrant colours. Scissors, glue, and tape: Essential tools for cutting and assembling your diorama elements. Natural elements: Venture outdoors to gather shells, pebbles, twigs, or leaves to add a touch of realism to your scene. Orca figurines or printed pictures: You can use an Orca EUGY model or print out images of orcas to include in your diorama. Step 3: Designing Your Diorama Let your imagination soar as you plan your diorama design. Here are a few ideas to get you started: Choose a habitat: Based on your research, select the habitat you find most intriguing—whether it's a sparkling ocean, a rocky coastline, or a serene fjord. This will be the backdrop for your orca scene. Creating the background: Use coloured paper or paints to craft your chosen habitat's sky, water, and land elements. Experiment with shades and textures to bring depth and realism to your scene. You can also cut out and glue printed images to enhance the background. Building the underwater world: Use blue paper or paint to create the underwater portion of your diorama. Add details like seaweed, corals, or rocks using coloured paper or natural elements you collected during your outdoor exploration. Let your creativity guide you in crafting an enchanting underwater environment. Adding orca figurines: Place your EUGY Orca model or printed pictures (attached to popsicle sticks) strategically within your diorama to depict the orcas swimming gracefully in their natural habitat. Experiment with their positioning and depth to create a sense of movement and realism. Incorporating natural elements: Remember the treasures you collected outdoors? Now is the time to include them in your diorama! Use shells as oceanic decor, pebbles as rocks, twigs as underwater plants, and leaves as foliage. These natural elements will add an extra touch of authenticity to your creation. Step 4: Bring Your Diorama to Life: Now that you have designed and assembled your diorama, it's time to bring it to life! Consider these additional tips: Lighting: Experiment with different lighting techniques to create dramatic effects in your diorama. Natural light, small LED lights, or even flashlight projections can add an enchanting ambience. Storytelling: Think about the story you want to tell with your diorama. Are the orcas swimming playfully, or are they diving deep into the depths? Incorporate elements that enhance your chosen narrative, such as bubbles, fish, or other marine creatures. Display and share: Proudly display your diorama in a prominent place. Take photos or make a video to document your masterpiece. Share your creation with friends and family or on social media. Congratulations, adventurers! You have successfully created a captivating Orca diorama, bringing the magical world of orcas to life. Through your artistic exploration, you have honed your creative skills and learned more about the diverse habitats where these incredible creatures reside. Remember, the journey doesn't end here. Keep exploring, observing, and learning about orcas and other marine life. Continue to seek knowledge from books, documentaries, or online resources to deepen your understanding of their habitats and behaviours. Now, it's time to dive into the depths of your imagination and create more awe-inspiring dioramas, celebrating the wonders of the natural world!

  • World Orca Month: Making Waves for Conservation

    Join us for World Orca Month 2023! Dodoland is thrilled to team up with the Orca Research Trust in honouring and safeguarding these magnificent creatures. Follow our social media channels for exciting orca-related updates and engaging content. Supporting Orca Conservation At Dodoland, we believe in taking action to make a difference. During the entire month of July, we are pledging to donate 100% of the sale net profits from every Orca EUGY sold on to support the invaluable work of the Orca Research Trust. By purchasing an Orca EUGY, not only will you acquire a unique and eco-friendly collectable, but you will also support ongoing research, habitat protection, and education, all aimed at safeguarding these incredible creatures for generations to come. The Importance of Orca Research The Orca Research Trust is at the forefront of studying orcas and working towards their conservation. Their tireless efforts help us gain a deeper understanding of these majestic marine beings and the challenges they face. To fully immerse yourself in this vital cause, we encourage you to explore the official websites of World Orca Day and the Orca Research Trust. You will find a wealth of information, resources, and ways to get involved there. As World Orca Month 2023 kicks off, we invite you to join the movement and make a lasting impact on the lives of Orca. Let us unite in our commitment to protect these awe-inspiring creatures and their habitats, ensuring a brighter future for all.

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